Posted Oct 31, 2021


'BEST KIDS WORKOUT | WARM-UP FOR CHILDREN | KIDS FITNESS BY ALOHA KIDS    Hi everyone, my name is Quim We are Aloha Kids!  We train Japanese children while learning English every single day!   We are not just a regular English school but also fitness gym for children. That’s what makes us unique and one of the best programs in Japan!   In this series, we are going to show you some of our workout exercises that we do with our students in class. Starting from Warm-ups then we will do two full-body workouts, full-body workout 1 and full-body workout 2!  Today, we will be doing a warm-up routine.   This warm-up routine consists of 6 dynamic stretches including Jog in Place, Front Leg Touches, Side Leg Touches, World’s Greatest Stretch, Walking Lunges, Side Lunges for 10 second each exercise with 10-20 seconds break between exercises.   While performing this routine, keep the following things in mind. The intensity of this warm-up routine should be moderate.  The point of this warm-up routine is to get your muscles and joints warmed up and activate them. If at any time you feel tired or can’t continue, feel free to push pause until you’re ready.    The first exercise is Jog in Place.  Next exercise, Front Leg Touches.  You bring your one leg up in front of your body and try to touch your toe then bring it back down then do the other side. Make sure your leg is straight and try not to swing your leg up too hard.    Side Leg Touches Same as Front toe touches, Bring one leg up straight, nice and easy.    Next, The World Greatest Stretch, also known as GWS. It is well known as the one of the best stretches of all and it helps activate every single muscle group of your body.   First, step forward with your left leg, and lower your body into a lunge. As you go down, place your right hand on the floor so it’s even with your left foot. Your right knee can touch the floor but if you can, it is better to remain above the floor.   Now, move your left elbow inside your left foot and rest it on the floor.  Square your hips so you feel a stretch on both sides and try to keep your back as flat as possible.  Move your left hand outside your left foot, and twist to reach for the sky. Try to pull the toes on your left foot up to your shin. Then come back down as you rotate your body back to the starting position.  Be sure to stay balanced and move nice and slow.   First, stand tall with feet hip-width apart. Be sure to engage your core.  Then take a big step forward with your right leg and start to shift the weight forward so your heel hits the floor first. Now, lower your body until the right thigh is parallel to floor. If mobility allows, lightly tap left knee to ground while keeping weight in right heel. Press into right heel to drive back up to starting position. Repeat on the other side.  Next, we’ll do Side Lunges. Stand straight with the knees and hips slightly bent, feet shoulder-width apart, and the head and chest up. This will be your starting position. Staying low, take a slow, lateral step to the right. Keep your toes pointed forward and stay low. Extend the left knee, driving your weight to the right, flexing the knee and hip into a side lunge. Maintain good posture through the entire spine, keeping your head and chest up.  Pause at the bottom of the motion, and then extend through the working leg to return to a standing position, transitioning into a lunge to the opposite side.  Alright guys! Let’s get it started. We will do each exercise for 10 seconds at moderate speed with 10 seconds rest in between. If the moms and dads can do with your children, please join us!     Okay, how did you do? This is our regular warm-up routine. It is okay if you cannot do all the stretches at first. Over time, you will have better flexibility, mobility, and strength to complete these exercises. If you were able to complete the whole routine easily, then go ahead and move on to our full-body workout #1!   Alright! We will be uploading more helpful videos for your kids to build great strength and health. In addition to a strong body aerobic exercises like the one we did today will help your children increase their mental health, focus, and attitude.   If you found this video helpful, please hit the like button below, share, and subscribe our channel for more videos to come!  Thank you for watching, we will see you in our next video!   Aloha Kids Website (Japanese): https://www.aloha-kids.net/  For business inquiry, please contact at [email protected]' 

Tags: workout for kids , kids workout , kids fitness , Kids exercise , exercise for kids , kids training , kids home workout , training for kids , children workout , children exercise , kids home exercise , kids exercise routine , workout for children , home exercise for kids , children training , kids home training , kids workout to lose weight , kids exercise to burn fat , kids workout plan , how kids can exercise , kids exercise song and dance , aloha kids

See also: Alon , �exercise � , workout for kids , thighs , soccer , zumba dance , food challenge , bench press , 35 , gymlife
